It has a manga adaptation illustrated by yusuke murata as well as an anime adaptationfollowing its publication the webcomic quickly went viral surpassing 79 million hits in june 2012. Heres what to expect from one punch man season 3. One Punch Man Tv 2 Anime News Network Shueishas young jump next picked up the series after yusuke murata contacted one and proposed to redraw the comic for digital publication as well. One punch man news . One punch man is a super hero who has trained so hard that his hair has fallen out and who can overcome any enemy with one punch. One punch man season 3. Unsubscribe from jaze phua. The webcomic started in july 2009 with more than 10 million views and 20000 hits per day. Welcome to ronepunchman the subreddit for all things related to our caped bald hero. Heres what to expect in terms of story and possible release date. Do not post questions answered in the faq. The show was pla...