Black clover is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by yuki tabata which has been translated into a number of languages and become a media franchise. When they received their grimoires at age 15 yuno got a spectacular book with a four leaf clover most people receive a three leaf clover while asta received nothing at all. Black Clover Vol 23 Japanese Edition Yuki Tabata 9784088821764 Paperback in stock more buying choices. Black clover book 23 . Burakku kuroba is a japanese manga series written and illustrated by yuki tabata. First volume of black clover released in japan by shueisha on june 4 2015. Black clover synopsis. Currently we are editing over 1305 articles and 2686 images in this wiki. Quiet lakes and forest shadows. When they received their grimoires at age 15 yuno got a spectacular book with a four leaf clover most people receive a three leaf clover while asta received nothing at all. Da...